
‘Tis the Season! The lions know how to party while welcoming the holiday spirit and new members. We inducted 5 new members in December 2022 at the NC Maritime Museum. Congratulations and welcome, new Lions!

The Beaufort Lions Club had a busy holiday season! We marched in the Beaufort Christmas parade, participated in the Old Beaufort Farmer’s Market Christmas market, donated 4 sacks of winter clothing, and created a beautifully decorated tree for the hospice house. Happy holidays from the Beaufort Lions Club!

TRUNK OR TREAT? The Beaufort Lions Club participated in the Trunk or Treat in October of 2022. Between highly decorated cars and people, we had a blast! Even our mascot, Leo the Lion, had a roarin’ time!

In September 2022, the Beaufort Lions Club visited North Carolina’s Bonehenge Whale Center here in our own town. We learned and observed how they articulate marine mammal skeletons for education. You can make your own reservation by email or phone at .

The Beaufort Lions Club is hosting a FREE Hearing and Vision screening to any in need. The NC Lions’ Vision Van will be in the East Coast Square at *4252 Arendell St Morehead City, NC 28557* from 10:00am until 3:00pm on September 30th. All are welcome! A big thank you to Dr. Patterson for donating his time.

The Beaufort NC Lions Club is proud to announce a donation, in the amount of $4200, to the Friends of the NC Maritime Museum, to fund the first step towards establishment of “Interactive Experiences” for the Blind within Beaufort, NC. This donation will directly fund the installation of a Navilens Navigational/Informational-Transfer package at the Beaufort NC Maritime

Despite the pandemic, the Beaufort Lions Club continued to meet virtually, thanks to Vice President then President, Jamie Clark for the tech support. The club continued to meet virtually over Google Meet and continued fundraising, serving, and giving back to the community. During such a hard time, the Beaufort Lions had donated over $15,000 and donated goods to local organizations for COVID relief. One project specifically collected hygiene products and cards for a local retirement home.